Sunday, September 25, 2016

Vintage Hanky Key Ring

My new Spearfish friend, Marie Anderson, gave me a ton of vintage hankies that belonged to her and to her late husband.  So, before I being crafting with them, I decided to make her a few keepsakes out of her own hankies.  One is this keyring.  Super simple.  The magnetic locket can be found at Hobby Lobby or Michael's -- or probably other craft stores.  I cut a very tiny floral piece of one of her hankies and crammed it into the locket.  You could cut it exactly and lay it flat inside.  But I'm kind of an abstract, non-perfectionist kind of girl.  I like this look better.

October 2016:  My new bunco friend in Wichita, Rosemary, gave me a bag full of her mom's hankies.  She had hung onto them but didn't know what to do with them. So I made a couple of key rings and some bracelets for her to have and share with family.  Lovely little memento of someone you care about.

October 2016:  Brooke made the ones above and below on our craft days at her house.  When making the hanky bracelets, there are always some little scraps left over.  These lockets are the perfect way to use up every piece!  Or many of the pieces anyway.

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